Upcoming Events

Rally Sunday - September 9

As we gear up for another year, our Sunday School teachers will be installed, books handed out and a pot luck lunch after the service. We will be grilling hamburgers and hot dogs. Bring a dish to pass if you are able!

Salems Men's Retreat - September 14-16

This event will be held at Camp Crois in Danbury, WI, just 2 hours northeast of the Twin Cities. Sign up at the following website:  www.mensretreat.org

Fall Stewardship - kicks off on September 16th, and extends into late November.

Men of His Word Conference - October 27 in Rochester MN. See Pastor Maasch for more information.


God has great plans for you and for your family - plans to prosper you, to give you hope and a future. ~ Jer. 29:10-14